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Sapphire Risk Transfer

International Risk Solutions

Sapphire Risk Transfer (Pty) Ltd is an authorised FSP and is underwritten by Bryte Insurance Company Limited, a licensed insurer and an authorised FSP.

About Us

Sapphire Risk Transfer provides international risk solutions for Corporate Property Risks in Africa, with a focus on the large industrial and retail sectors. We offer cover relating to the physical assets, future revenues and ancillary products and services in relation to political violence.

From 1st January 2025 Sapphire Marine will be offering risk solutions for the full spectrum of Marine covers. Our focus is the African continent but with a global approach to risk through our network of associated companies and business partners in the insurance and reinsurance intermediary space.

Sapphire provides alternative solutions with access to alternative capital. Our creativity is gained through experience and international trading relationships. We aim to bring our clients the global benefits of our international insurance and reinsurance risk transfer strategy.

Sapphire ensures contract certainty and provides full clarity in all our contractual dealings with our customers and partners alike. We align our principles to guidelines as set out in the Regulatory environment to ensure the fair treatment of our customers.

Sapphire Risk Transfer (Pty) Ltd is an authorised FSP(51366) and is underwritten by Bryte Insurance Company Limited, a licensed insurer and an authorised FSP(17703).

We believe our Azure Policy evidences our commitment and social responsibility to support post event rehabilitation.

Working Together To Ensure A Safe and Healthy Workplace.


Our commitment to Contract Certainty, to transparency and to all elements within the compliance and governance environments have led us to the creation of our own assets wording, Cobalt Blue. We believe we have a product that compares to any within our Corporate Property sector but we invite our customers to recommend to us any wording enhancements should any issue be perceived as creating confusion. 

Contract Certainty is a culture we drive through our organisation and we intend to review all our products quarterly. Our aim is to have Cobalt Blue perceived as the pre-eminent Corporate Property product. we do not insist on our wordings being utilized, and will certainly consider other market wordings where provided to us timeously, and we believe in time all our clients will be asking for a Cobalt Blue product wording.

Azure is our Crisis Management solution for all African clients. This is a product and service offering that will bring the traditional and expected riot product that enhances SASRIA protections, and will further provide trauma support for those employees and customers and any other visitors directly affected by the insured event.

The Azure product is reinsured through our international relationships and in particular Lloyds of London, and our Trauma counselling and Support Service is arranged via our relationship with MBL Global Ltd.


Marine Cargo, Hull & Liability Products
Sapphire Risk Transfer has broadened its product offering by adding the marine class of business to its portfolio. With effect from 1 January 2025, Sapphire will underwrite the full spectrum of marine covers in relation to marine cargo, carrier’s cargo, watercraft hull, and associated stock.


“The creation of Sapphire Risk Transfer has developed over a period of time with the guidance and assistance of two close friends, Dave Manual and Tom Rae.

Dave Manual was the co-founder at my first MGA environment in the late 1990’s, in South Africa, which was created on certain core underwriting strategies. Tom Rae helped me build our international reinsurance play.  

I have for sometime now believed I could create further MGA platforms internationally, utilising a consistent approach to Capital, Reinsurance, Data and Central Services, whilst benefitting from the underwriting expertise unique to each geography and product space.  Sapphire Risk Transfer in South Africa is the start of this vision”

Gary Corke

CEO and Founder

Our Board

Gary Corke

Chief Executive Officer Chartered Risk Insurer and ACII in UK Gary has 40 years experience in the Risk Transfer environment. The founder or co founder of 11 companies, 7 of which have been sold, Gary is the former CEO of Globe Underwriting in London, Emerald and SHA in South Africa, and has sat on various boards and Risk committees in UK, SA, Mauritius, Europe and Australia, and supervised underwriting products into USA. He was awarded the Sanlam CEO award in 2012.

Lisa Du Plessis

Chief Financial Officer and Alternate Director CA(SA), BComm specialising in Financial Accounting, Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting at UCT Lisa has over 16 years’ insurance experience in South Africa. Prior to joining Sapphire, Lisa was a Director at Stalker Hutchison Admiral as well as Manager: Niche Finance Shared Services for Santam, where she was responsible for building the shared services function for Niche. Lisa has over the years been involved in the oversight of various functions including finance, risk management, internal audit.

JP Blignaut

Non-Executive Director of Sapphire and Bryte’s Chief Underwriting Officer. Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, BCom (Hons) Cum Laude. JP has over 18 years’ insurance experience in South Africa, UK, India and Asia. Prior to joining Bryte in 2012, JP was the Chief Actuary for RSA Insurance Group Plc for the Asia and Middle East region, where he was responsible for building actuarial and pricing capabilities across eight countries. Prior to that, he worked for the Sanlam Group in several roles in South Africa and London.

Yulandi van Dyk

Yulandi joined the Bryte team from Aon Sub-Saharan Africa where she fulfilled the dual role of Regional Financial Controller for the Group, as well as Financial Director for Aon South Africa for over four years. Prior to this, she served as Group Financial Manager at WIPCapital from 2002 to 2009.

Meet the Team

Back Row
Karabo Disang – Claims, Valdene Jansen – Portfolio Executive Finance, Richard Lay – Portfolio Executive, Zurone Krause – Finance, Jasmin Solomon – Portfolio Executive, Ken Prentice – Portfolio Executive, Michaela Phillips – Portfolio Executive, Bernie Ray – International Executive, Gary Corke – Chief Executive Officer, Kerry Goodyer – Brand Executive

Front Row
Cheryl Page – Management Information Specialist, Kirsten Cronin – Portfolio Executive (Legal, Compliance & Treaty), Lisa Du Plessis – Group Chief Financial Officer, Tanielle Nasser – Claims Executive

Marine Staff 
Jeffry Butt – National Marine Manager, Jaco Kriel – Portfolio Manager, Cindy Palm – Portfolio Manager,
Karuna Moodley – Portfolio Manager, Zainub Shaikh – Senior Underwriter, Malusi Breakfast – Portfolio Manager, Wimpie Steinberg – Administrator, Carmen Pasquelle – Marine Specialist, Hector Motla – Underwriter


Sapphire Risk Transfer’s Corporate Property Insurance security in Africa is underwritten via our Intermediary and Shareholder Agreements with Bryte Insurance Company Limited’s operations in South Africa and Botswana, both recent additions to the Fairfax Financial Holdings portfolio. 

Fairfax Financial Holdings is based in Toronto, Canada and through its subsidiaries is engaged in property and casualty insurance, reinsurance and investment management with extensive reach globally. Subsidiaries include Allied World Insurance Company (AWAC), Brit Insurance Company (Brit) and in Africa, Bryte Insurance Company (Bryte).

Conservation Responsibility

On behalf of the Arch team it warms my heart to renew the adoption of Inka on Sapphire’s behalf for another year. And while we can choose from various animals to adopt as a special New Years gift to our partners, I’ve chosen Inka specially for you and your efforts to save these beautiful animals from extinction.

Our rhino ambassador, Inka, a strong and healthy adult female black rhino, continues to thrive in her inhospitable desert home. Inka has been with us for several years, symbolising the resilience of her species. Looking ahead, we are optimistic about her future and the possibility of her playing a key role in Namibia’s expanding black rhino population. Black rhinos like Inka are notoriously difficult to spot, not just because of their reclusive and solitary nature, but also due to the vast, rugged landscapes they inhabit. In Namibia’s expansive conservation areas, rhinos roam across thousands of square kilometres, making sightings rare and unpredictable. Their shy behaviour means they often avoid human contact, blending into the environment and remaining hidden for extended periods. This elusive nature, combined with the sheer size

Kind regards,

Nadia de Lange
Arch Reinsurance Europe

Contact Us

Physical Address:

Rosebank Towers
Fifth Floor
15 Biermann Avenue

Postal Address:

Postnet Suit 43
Private Bag x11

Claims & Complaints

All claims made against any Sapphire policies should be directed to your Insurance Intermediary. Your details will then be sent on to our Portfolio Executive to process the claim

Any and all complaints may be directed to your Insurance Intermediary and/or be addressed to Kerry Goodyer on

Company Information

Sapphire Risk Transfer (Pty) Ltd is an authorised FSP (51366)

VAT Number: 4210294114

Registration Number: 2020/814807/07

Underwritten by Bryte Insurance Company Limited, a licensed insurer and an authorised FSP (17703)